Where Your Ideas Take Flight

Near Space Corporation has operated since 1996 as a commercial provider of high altitude, near space platforms and flight services for government, academic and commercial customers.


Empowering the advancement of aerospace technologies by creatively defining, clarifying, and solving the most complex and dynamic challenges.

Our Services

Highly customized flight train design and flight Operations for High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS)

Advanced Space Materials

Soft Goods Design and Fabrication

Tillamook UAS Test Range

Test Range Services and Flight Support

Test Your Payload

with Over 25 years of Aerospace experience

Company Highlights


High Altitude Testing


Starliner Parachute

High Altitude Testing

JPL Venus Aerobot

Advanced Space Materials

ISS Genesis Materials

Advanced Space Materials

UAS Test Range

UAS Test Range

Company News & Press Release


Aerostar International LLC Announces Acquisition of Near Space Corporation

The broadened set of products and services will immediately benefit both Aerostar and Near Space customers! March 25, 2024—Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA—Aerostar International LLC, a proud member of the TCOM portfolio, is excited to announce that it has acquired Near Space Corporation of Tillamook, Oregon. This strategic move marks a significant milestone in

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Artemis 1 Orion spacecraft successfully splashed down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja California Sunday around 12:40 p.m. EST (1740 GMT). #NSC air bladders did their job as part of the uprighting system that inflates the orange bags atop the Orion capsule. You can see the bags inflating at the 09:36 mins

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Mardale Pittman

JPL’s Venus Aerial Robotic Balloon Prototype Aces Test Flights

Article Credit: JPL NASA A scaled-down version of the aerobot that could one day take to the Venusian skies successfully completed two Nevada test flights, marking a milestone for the project. The intense pressure, heat, and corrosive gases of Venus’ surface are enough to disable even the most robust spacecraft in a matter of

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Mardale Pittman

NOAA Completes FVR-55 Operations in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds to Measure Atmospheric Aerosol Properties needed to Improve Climate Model Simulations

ARTICLE AND FIGURES PROVIDED BY: KENNETH VIERRA (SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION/UXS RESEARCH TRANSITION OFFICE) AND PATRICIA QUINN (NOAA/PMEL) Scattering and absorption of solar radiation by atmospheric aerosol particles affect Earth’s radiation budget, including cooling at the Earth’s surface (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2014; NOAA Science Council Fact Sheet). Aerosols, Weather and Climate). Cooling can

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Flight Opportunities Community of Practice

NSC was pleased to participate in the NASA Flight Opportunities Community of Practice event today to discuss high altitude flight test. Supporting SpaceWorks on this project was a complete success. Read More

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Near Space Corporation Continues Support of NASA’s Balloon Program

Near Space Corporation is pleased to be partnered with Peraton for the NASA Balloon Operations Contract II (NBOC-II), which NASA competitively awarded to Peraton.  This is an outstanding win for our team.  NSC will provide personnel at the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility (CSBF) in Palestine, Texas and further support Peraton to identify critical new

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