Capabilities & Services
Aerostar employs a unique set of capabilities to provide services in support of high-altitude balloon, airship, and unmanned aerial vehicle flight operations. Aerostar is a leader in high altitude/near space operations and has an established record of meeting the requirements of NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Defense. Often used as a team member to provide specialized high-altitude expertise for a wide variety of technology and scientific research projects, Aerostar can minimize lead time and decrease unforeseen delays. Aerostar is uniquely capable of providing commercial engineering, production, and flight operations within a single organization.
Facilities & Equipment
- Multiple established and remote launch sites
- Blimp hangar – 1,000 ft long, 300 ft wide, 160 ft high
- Altitude chamber (pressure and temperature)
- Material testing lab
- Tracking aircraft
- Self-contained mobile operations trailer
- Specialized launch vehicles and equipment
Services Provided
- Specialized design, engineering, and analysis
- Custom inflatable manufacturing
- High altitude drop testing
- Stratospheric scientific experimentation
- Unmanned aerial system flight testing
- Mission planning and FAA coordination
- Staffing for remote flight operations