Connect, Protect, Save Lives

Where Your Ideas Take Flight

Aerostar provides high altitude, near space platforms and flight services for government, academic and commercial customers.

Our Services

Highly customized flight train design and flight Operations for High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS)

Advanced Space Materials

Soft Goods Design and Fabrication

Tillamook UAS Test Range

Test Range Services and Flight Support

Test Your UAV Systems

with Over 25 years of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Testing experience

Company Highlights


High Altitude Testing


Starliner Parachute

High Altitude Testing

JPL Venus Aerobot

Advanced Space Materials

ISS Genesis Materials

Advanced Space Materials

UAS Test Range

UAS Test Range

Company News & Press Release

Near Space Corporation supports a NW Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization to develop UAS training program and procedures

April 26, 2022 Near Space Corporation (Tillamook UAS) has partnered with the Scappoose Fire District and the Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization (RDPO) to attain the necessary waivers for their UAS Public Safety Aviation Program. The District and NSC developed a training and certificationprogram as well as a tracking database for the pilots and aircraft.

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Two leading UAS centers enter cooperative
agreement to ease drone operations

Near Space Corporation (Tillamook UAS) and UAS Denmark Test Centerenter cooperative agreement to allow their customers to easily transitiontheir validation testing and demonstration flights between the EU and UnitedStates Meeting a growing demand for unmanned systems developers and OEMs tofacilitate validation testing, certification, and demonstration flights between the EUand United States. Orlando, FL April

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Aerospace Firms End State Solutions and Near Space Corp. Announce Joint Agreement

By Press 13 April 2021 End State Solutions and Near Space Corp. (NSC) announced today an agreement to provide aerospace companies a single-source for a full suite of flight testing and Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) certification services. Unmanned, manned and optionally piloted aircraft developers can obtain speed-to-market through the leadership and experience the companies

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Robotic balloons to explore Venus? An Oregon company is working on it

By TOM BANSE The space agency NASA has chosen a small Tillamook-based aerospace company to design and test robotic balloons for future scientific exploration of Venus. Near Space Corporation is working on the Venus project with some of the same NASA team members currently managing an historic helicopter drone flight on Mars. Near Space CEO Tim Lachenmeier

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26 March 2021, Tillamook, OR     Near Space Corporation (NSC) is pleased to continue our support to NASA, JPL, and the exploration of our solar system through our award of a 2021 SBIR Phase 1 contract.   In this effort, NSC will design and develop platforms and techniques to support successful Venus Aerobot missions.  We will

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NSC ExoMars High Altitude Drop Test

March 23, 2021 The Near Space team works with many customers who have challenging requirements and are doing extremely interesting projects.  Working with the European Space Agency, Thales Alenia Space, and Vorticity Systems Limited for testing the Entry/Descent/Landing (EDL) parachute systems for their ExoMars project has definitely been both challenging and interesting. This project

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